Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Praying for the neighbors

Yesterday, Tuesday, we had a prayer walk to begin opening up other parts of our neighborhood.  We started mid-morning around 11 and were out for about 2 hours.  We took everything south of our home and walked the streets praying Colossians 4:1-6.  Our two teams of two had determined that we would pray for several elements in the Bible passage (what is right and fair, perseverance, an open door, God revealing himself to others, the words to speak, being genuine, using our time well, grace in our speech, an ear to listen, and etc.)

When we got back, we shared what God showed us.  Each shared about the experience.  The area doesn’t have places where kids can get distracted yet like clubs, video games and gangs.  The area seems to provide work with continued building projects.  It is a privilege to pray for the people – after all, who are we?  And there are several areas that seem a “world” a way from the main flow of things in the neighborhood.  It gave us a sense of sowing seed on virgin soil.

Overall, it was a good experience for all.  Two of the ladies came from our sister church, “One in Christ.”  We were glad that they joined us and trust that this will encourage them to reach out into their neighborhood.

Please pray for Maria, who due to some financial struggles in the “Bread of Life” congregation, has had to take on a second job to make ends meet.  And pray that the believers in Bread of Life will continue to be faithful in their giving.

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