Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Park Duty

During our Tuesday prayer meeting, with our children’s teachers unavailable, I decide to take the kids to the park.  My mistake!  How was I to know that the park around our hall would be saturated with children getting out of classes in the evening?  The temptation was too great! 
I began teaching about the components of the New Testament: Gospels, Pauline letter and etc.  We started with a craft describing the different parts of the New Testament.  They ran through the craft with a desire to swing, slide and run through the park.  We managed to finish the craft, but I lost most to the temptation of playing.  The adults, after prayer meeting, judged the craft to see who did the best.  The kicker?  All the kids won!  Now I need to bring a prize for ALL the kids on Tuesday for their winning entries.  A lesson learned: don’t take kids to the local park if you want to teach them something.

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